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Viva Brazil

The Christmas and New Year Eve were truly remarkable for me this year as I spent it in fantastic and mesmerising Brazil. My friend Caio was my guide there and as a native he could show me the best of Brazil: not only the touristic parts but also the whole beauty of small towns and suburbs, everyday life, traditions and culture. Considering that not many people speak English there I am so grateful to Caio for making this trip so amazing and stress free for me. Multifaceted and colourful Brazil is known for its nature, culture and rich history. In Brazil you can experience everything from architectural monuments of the colonial era, lively carnivals to  simply   a delicate aroma of coffee floating in the air. Among of all beautiful places Rio De Janeiro surely holds is pr imary position for me. Noisy, picturesque and ever bubbling Rio attracts by its excellent sandy beaches, luxurious hotels, unique sights and state-of-the-art architecture. To visit the city of all B...
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Жизнь по- английски

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Food and sex: common grounds…

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