It is known fact that human can survive about a month without eating anything at all. However, already on the second day of fasting he/she will have a strong appetite.
Let think of the reasons for starvation. Some people starve for the sake of so-called "spiritual development".. Others are forced to go hungry all the time due to their bad financial situation. Sometimes it happens that people have an appetite and money, but they just can not eat - this is commonly known disease…
Also, there are two types of food: homemade (literally made at home) and everything else. Homemade, of course, is the favourite one, but sometimes it becomes annoying. We want to try something new, even taking into account that the new is likely to be worse than the taste of our so familiar and delicious homemade dish.
Now a bit about restaurants… There are different types of restaurants. Ones offer delicious food, excellent service and are very expensive. Others… if you eat there once you can spend a week in a hospital with poisoning and forswear that was the last time you dined there.
Our eating habits…. All people eat differently. Some like to take their time, others prefer to eat very quickly. Some need at least an hour for their repast. Others manage to satisfy their appetite in two minutes and when those two types are sharing a meal it can cause resentment and hurt “slow eaters”...
21st century
Nowadays we have so many different devices to make our dining experience more comfortable and enjoyable… more then 20 types of forks and spoons, chopsticks, china and etc. We have got the variety of medicines and vitamins which increase appetite and improve digestion. And, yes, whatever century we live in, an invariable attribute of hygiene are still white paper napkins...!
There is one more to add up: Although some people know what food is healthy for their wellbeing and soul, they go for junk food, or bitter taste which give them pain in long term!