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21 days for a fit body and new achievements !

Every day I make a promise to myself to lose some weight, to eat healthy, to live healthy and every day I break these promises. I was wondering why it happens to me over and over again? Why am I lazy to go to gym or at least jogging? Why do I always go for meats, hummus, pitas, cakes and wines instead of fruits, vegetables and water?How often it happens that I am lying on my sofa, chatting with my friends online and just hating to do any housework.

Few days ago my friend Kubra said that after 26 y.o. woman’s body loses its firm, starts aging and cellulite is just waiting for its moment to attack.
Tomorrow is Monday, and this time I am very determined to win my battle with the laziness and waste.
Here is a plan, let’s see if it works.
1. Setting up the goals.
Few months ago I bought beautiful sexy, backless red dress. I bought it on eBay, and when it finally arrived and I tried it on all my excitement turned into a suicidal mood. I looked like a fat cow. I never wore the dress since I bought it. So, I set up the goal, in 21 days I want to wear it and I want to be proud of myself in it. Yay!
2. Setting up a motto!
“Everything is possible; you just need to want it very much”. Wherever doubts I have I will just keep this motto in my mind and start my morning with saying it out loud.
3. Finding something that inspire you and reminds about success.
I especially like one music clip (one of Haifa Wehbe’s new songs) which inspires me. It is about a woman who passed through difficult times, but was strong enough to achieve her goals and prove to everyone and herself that she is capable of everything. There are also couple of movies I really admire. Those movies show the beautiful side of the life. I believe that watching it again from time to time can have a positive influence and help to create some kind of role model.
4. Leaving your “comfort zone”.
It happens so often that our habits, which are so “comfy” for us, build barriers on the way to our dreams. In order to achieve success it is necessarily to get away from this “comfort” zone, try something new, change the environment. I might have some issues with this one because life is so convenient when u do nothing.
Here it is - a new plan, a new approach to life… 21 of September, me... In my beautiful red dress, fit, strong and confident as Haifa Wehbe, full of live, always ready to act and win. “Everything is possible; you just need wanting it very much".
This sounds like very “female orientated” piece… :)


Unknown said…
Cheers up for Humus:).
You are much nicer and sexier then Haifa Wehbe.She has same stupid childish expression on her face all the time.You are much more beautiful.
As for fitness and stuff i try different approach.
I eat "good" food and go to gym so i have more energy to get wasted.If i give up gym and start eat sandwiches and chips and all other junk food, i find myself incapable of doing anything, i become very sleepy and even if i get to party i just sit with my glass in the corner.And just after 2 weeks in the gym i can dance 10 hours straight and drink non stop. So its kinda cool.
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