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Shanghai Cooperation Organization - what's the point?

The SCO (an organisation which is established to provide
peace and security in Central Asia, Russia and China) could only observe how
Kyrgyz and Uzbek people were killing each other in southern Kyrgyzstan.
What is a point of the SCO then?
The SCO was established in June 2001 and unites Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It is principally centered on its member nations' Central Asian security-related concerns.
The SCO believes that international terrorism is directly linked to separatism and religious extremism. Thus, members of SCO act on their program, closely linking the fight against terrorism to ensuring its territorial integrity in Central Asia.

At the same time the numbers of signed documents evidence the social and economic co-operation between countries-participants.

Since the establishment the SCO accepted and signed a number of documents: a memorandum on the basic goals and directions of regional economic cooperation (2001), Programme for multilateral trade and economic cooperation until 2020 (2003), an Action Plan for implementation of the program (2004), mechanism of implementation of the Action Plan (2005) and others.

Every year the heads of state hold a meeting related to the economic cooperation.

The SCO also organised an economic forum, formed the Business Council and SCO Interbank, Association, and proposed the idea of creating an Energy Club and many other activities.

However, none of those plans were put in practice yet. All reports of the ministries responsible for economic cooperation (in Russia - Ministry of Trade and Economic Development in China - Ministry of Commerce) are reduced to the enumeration of bilateral or multilateral projects, which are related to the SCO only because they engage member countries.

What the point of the organization if is not able to maintain its primary functions? Unfortunately, today the idea of SCO works the same way as the democracy works in the countries it unites together…


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