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Masters of the Universe f*cked up the Earth!

Power of yes! - is a drama explaining the financial crisis in a simple way, it causes, its growth, its consequences and its...originators.

I saw the performance recently at the Royal National Theatre. I loved the story, and I loved the fact its tackles such an actual national issue as an economic downturn. It is truly said that the drama raises “questions to which we all want to know the answers.”

This is not just a play, its educative tool about what happened in the world economy from 1979 to 2009, when the banks went bust, capitalism was replaced by a socialism that bailed out the rich alone.

The originators of the crisis cry out loud they are not blameworthy. Powerful financial figures move from the one influential position to another. Yesterday’s bank owner is today’s LSE director and tomorrow’s politician. Nobody’s fault, nobody’s responsibility, nobody is punished.

The play writer in the drama, learning from bankers and journalists, calls attention to the government and regulation to prevent such crisis in future. But as the Financial Times journalist sarcastically notes: “What kind of legislation?!...Legislation against the greed?! “

Unfortunately, not those who get benefits always pay for it.


Unknown said…
In Israel easiest way into politics is to be general in Army.They explain it like in times of war people need military leadership.And it becomes closed loop, generals go to be politicians, all they know is war so war continues, so people need more military leaders, so we elect next general to be minister.
All it takes to break this loop is to go to election once in 4 years and think what candidate is best for you , not for Israel army, not Israel economy, not for relation with USA, not for talks with Hamas. Just for you.Unfortunately most of the people does not believe in politics, and vote for "big party that can change things" or "somebody who can handle Palestinians".
Anna Kei said…
that's why u are voting for the party which supports cannabis legalisation?! i see.
how it is related to financial crisis?
Unknown said…
"The originators of the crisis cry out loud they are not blameworthy. Powerful financial figures move from the one influential position to another"
I'm simply added another example for entropy of democratic system. Based on different motives but essentially the same.Financial crisis is just one of effects of process of hijacking democratic system.The fact that there are some people who know how to "beat" democratic system (they know how to win election and what to tell to people so they would elect them) worries me much more than financial crisis. I mean its very sad that we lost some money, but same Technics used in Israel political system lead to death of real people.Perhaps its not in the the primary interest field of our discussion, but i think its more interesting to explore more general ideas while talking about such popular subject as financial crisis. Gives opportunity to think about thing in other perspective. Many years we believed that our economy is stable and now we see that this is not entirely truth.
Many years we believe that constitutional democracy combined with liberal capitalism is most stable political system and everybody should follow the way of USA.May be its not entirely true.
I vote for "Green Leaf" because:
1.I want government to understand that im frustrated by the way they handle country so i don't want for major party, i want sort of change of all cards.
2.I think that before we blame Palestinian people for every problem we have, we should agree with each other.Voting for party that have no interest in foreign policy is my way of saying:"Leave Palestinians alone, lets talk about internal problems"
3.I think it will be good to legalize some of the drugs like marijuana for example. And we have great progress in this area. Israel approved medical use of marijuana for treatment of cancer patients, depression, head aches , chronic pains etc.

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